Town center Belgrade
mall, office and hotel complex - volume 1 and 2
design objective
Creating a base program with modern aesthetics and realistic planning goals. Employing a distinctive fine art-based pedestrian flow directing floor pattern and layering both versions of the project.

  • typehigh-end mixed use complex
  • year | size2005 | 460,000 sf
  • locationnew Belgrade, Serbia
  • statussolicited proposal

project statement
One of our larger projects - a solicited proposal with two variations

The first one includes a mall and a cineplex only. The second - expanded to a mall, cineplex, a hotel and office space. In connection with the existing building of Delta Holdings to the South.


The shopping complex functions seamlessly during business and after hours. Passage gates provide the necessary security of partial pedestrian and full vehicular parking approach. New on-site parking is provided in an 825 car underground garage. Easily approachable and controllable from the adjoining streets, it will provide ample parking accommodations. If deemed necessary by local traffic consultant and the owner’s budget, it is commonly possible to ad one story parking structure at ground level in the east part of the lot and slope the shopping plaza above it, which will nearly double the current space count.
The overall material scheme is quite natural; a combination of glass, wood and steel trowel polymer plaster, along with anodized aluminum cladding and canopies. The glass curtain wall naturally blends with the surroundings, while the exterior treated wood in the louvers and sculptural roof canopies bring another, softer dimension to the whole ambience. Harmony based on counterpoint – calm horizontals and intensive spatial planes; the crispness of glass and aluminum and warmth of wood – all that elevates the design of the new TCB to the level of a higher experience for both visitors and Owner.
The façade treatment combines the above-mentioned materials and methods along with basics of passive solar principles in architecture. The double skin of the building promotes ventilation, cuts heat gain during the summer, and reduces heat exchange in wintertime. The secondary wood roof canopy structure is actually a screening device, which enhances greatly the 5th façade of the building, shelters all HVAC roof units and crates an unique dynamic environment along with additional heat screening, which we believe will be the trademark of the new complex.



project statement (cont)

The second version of our design proposal features office and long-term hotel accommodations along with two levels of shopping space. The first level is similar to Volume 1, however, even the different tonality of the floor pattern creates quite a different experience right at the entry. Three main restaurants, along with two office and one hotel lobby work seamlessly with the shopping modules of the level. Three vehicular drop-offs signify the office and hotel lobbies along with a porte couchere for the hotel. Another garage entry to the East helps auto circulation after drop-off. The clock tower has a different look and feel to harmonize with the larger volume and appearance of the building.
The overall composition of the building emphasizes the different functions, while fusing the various elements in a harmony of balance and energy. The exterior material are similar to Volume 1, nevertheless, the higher mass creates quite a different experience. Visually, the wood screen roof canopies wrap around the building like a scarf, creating aesthetic dynamics. The visual tension is poised by the openness of the whole complex. It turns the static building into a sculpture with almost kinetic appearance which is different from every view aspect, having the presence of an extremely functional art piece.
The second level combines again retail with bistro. The third level is predominantly office and hotel. Level four is dedicated to office and hotel room space, while partial levels five; six and seven are for hotel use only. They accommodate 205 suites with variable size, which could be also reconfigured per local long-term hotel requirements.
We believe that our design is as highly comprehensive to the ambitious goals of the development. Furthermore, we are convinced that the cost efficient building envelope approach is the best solution for keeping the construction budget and schedule within any parameters along with enhanced on-site flexibility. The virtual building model of the TCB by paastudio presented here is fully functional and ready to transfer to construction documents and into the robust property management software of ArchiFM, which is on the forefront of facilities management in Europe and the US. This approach will greatly improve the future life of such a large and multifaceted building. The global design concept vitally promotes the complex operative requirements of the development and adds additional value as a state-of-the-art interpretation of a social and aesthetic tradition. It combines aesthetics with function and budget in a harmonious alliance, which will retain and multiply its assets in the years to come.

design objective 2
Pedestrian-friendly access from all around the perimeter of the building.
Both versions of the proposal address a modern approach in the multifunctional commercial building development, with balanced scale and features, while expanding spatial and functional relations within an inviting contemporary environment.
from the architect