This series is a journey from the roots of modern abstract art to present means of expression, with much reverence to the artistic geniuses of Kandinski, Klee, Miro, Malevich, along with the wonderful Bulgarian colorist Georgi Bojilov. Each piece takes on a specific tonal task and juxtaposes textures, hues and lines in a dynamic, almost musical composition. We have the feeling that looking at the artworks might be as enjoyable as creating them.
Printed to order in S | M | L | XL sizes allows for flexible implementation in various dimensions, space and environment. Typically, S sizes are printed on 19"x13" archival 300g smooth art paper, edition of 100. M sized prints are on 36"x24" archival flat stock, edition of 50, while L sizes are based on 60"x42" in edition of 20. XL sized are printed to order on ±60" paper as the smaller dimension, edition of 5, however, may be limited to 2 depending on the specific artwork. All prints are signed, stamped and numbered.
Title mapping: H = Homage, K = Kandinski + Klee, M = Miro + Malevich, repetative lettering denotes each artist.