This an early 1999 green BIM of a tree-unit family owned building in San Pedro, CA. The units are tailored to the requirements of the family members inhabiting the different sections of the building. Rooftop terraces and an overall canopy extend the living area, while material and finishes differentiate the specifics in character.
The remodel is also quite budget conscious with the use of industrial corrugated steel cladding and galvanized canopy. The shielded rooftop terrace provides a climate buffer for the lower floors and acts as the major sustainable feature of the homes along with operable skylights at the stairwells.
In this case, the addition of a large zen-garden along with a spacious deck on the ocean side of the house relates the spiritual bond of the owner couple with the surroundings and wraps up the new vision for the house. the new double-layer envelope works both functionally and aesthetically alongside with budget restrains. the simple material scheme grows naturally with the owner requested fusion of asian philosophy within a contemporary bauhaus approach, re-defining the texture of spatial and functional relations.